Our Cool People & Organizations section is about the endorsement of individuals and companies who have brought us joy, harmony and balance to our lives at The Conscious Non Conformist. Through their unique gifts, they have helped us live more consciously.

This list will continue to grow as our community expands. Please check back often!

Cool People

Neal Barnard.  Author, clinical researcher, and founding President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Nikki Sharp.  Best-selling Author and Branding Strategist.

Deyba Fajardo Bonza.  Gifted Acupuncturist.  Acupuncture & Wellness Center.  

Dr. Judy Morley.  Speaker, Executive, and Entrepreneur, teaching Intuitive Leadership.  “Interpreting the past to inspire the future.”

Cool Organizations

Mirror Lake Organics.  Organic Body Care for the Whole Family. 100% Mother Nature.

Rothy’s  Shoes made from recycled bottles! Washable too.

Balanced. Balanced is a network of public health professionals, nutrition science experts, and everyday people from around the world fighting for a healthier food system one menu at a time.

incrEDIBLE.  “Did you eat your spoon today?”  Edible spoons in 8 flavors and in 2 sizes. They stay together for up to 25 minutes in a hot soup, and 45 minutes in a cold dessert. Brilliant! And think of the possibilities…..

Mylk Guys. All vegan online grocery that “beets your offline Grocery Store”. A chance to find those items not yet available in your area.

Dao Foods. “A cross-border impact venture established to introduce plant-based and clean meat in China. With rapidly rising incomes and increasing meat consumption in China, our aim is to introduce alternative products into the China market to reduce the consumer demand for animal products from the traditional livestock industry, which has had growing negative environmental, food safety and health impact.” BRAVO!!

ProVeg International. “We strive for a world where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food
that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet.” A company focused on ProHealth, ProAnimals, ProEnvironment, ProJustice, and ProTaste. Check them out!

50by40. “We are a global, collective impact organization aiming to cut the global production and consumption of industrialized animal agriculture by 50% by 2040.” We can do this people! Please take a look at their work.