At The Conscious Non Conformist, we believe that “higher consciousness leadership” can transform individuals – and organizational cultures – one step at a time, leading to more enlightened, integrated, productive lives and workplaces.

We believe individuals have the power to co-create their lives, and by extension, co-create cultures within personal and professional circles. By learning to embody Conscious Leadership tactics in our everyday thoughts and choices, we bring forth a dynamic way to positively influence culture.

So, what exactly is Conscious Leadership? We have our own version of what it means.

In a nutshell, Conscious Leadership is active engagement in life to empower individual awareness, eliminate drama, and build trust to create a more powerful culture/world. Essential to Conscious Leadership is leading with emotional awareness – owning the courage to have those difficult conversations. Navigating difficult conversations with thoughtful, respectful honesty expands a leader’s presence, both personally and professionally.

There are several versions of the “Five C’s of Leadership”, but this is The Conscious Conformist favorite version:

Conscious, Creative, Collaborative, Competent, & Compassionate

For your consideration, we have put together a cheatsheet to add to your toolbox – “The Soul of Conscious Leadership”.

Citta धचत्त). Sanskrit/Pali/n./ tʃɪ.ɖæ / chi’dta. Mind, consciousness, awareness; heart and mind combined.

The Soul of Conscious Leadership        

(Selection from “The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. A new paradigm for sustainable success”. Jim Dethmer  Diana Chapman, & Kaley Warner Klemp)

1. Taking Radical Responsibility – locating cause and control of our lives in ourselves, not in external events.

2. Learning Through Curiosity – self-awareness and willingness to live in a state of curiosity.

3. Feeling All Feelings – access all three centers of intelligence: the head, the heart, and the gut.

4. Speaking Candidly – using transparency to create connection, open learning, and awareness.

5. Practicing Integrity – keeping agreements, taking responsibility, revealing authentic feelings, and expressing truth.

6. Excelling in Your Zone of Genius – allow all to realize their full potential, and support/inspire others to do the same.

7. Experiencing the World as an Ally – seeing all people and circumstances as allies in personal growth.

8. Creating Win for all Solutions – moving beyond the zero-sum game into a creative solution that serves all.

Conscious Leadership, when done correctly, can give individuals and organizations the competitive edge they need to succeed. It challenges the status quo by offering sustainable, creative change.

Please see our section on Conscious Consulting Services for more information on how we can help you.

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